Alright, so today we're going to go over how to find the top schools here in the city of Temecula, California. One of the major reasons that people decide that Temecula is the right place for them and their family to live is because of the school district. A lot of people want to be a part of the great public school system. So we're going to go over the top schools here in the area. We're going to talk about the public schools, the high schools, and we're also going to talk a little bit about the private schools. So let's go ahead and get into it.

Hey guys. Hey again, my name is Justin Short. I'm a realtor and team leader with a short real estate team here at Keller Williams. And we are here in Temecula, California, Murrieta California. And this video is all about the schools here in the city of Temecula. So we're going to talk about how to find the best ones where, what are the top ranked schools, and what really makes them so desirable. And we'll go over the public schools. We'll talk a little bit about some of the private schools as well, and hopefully give you a pretty good general lay of the land and how to find the right place for you and your family here. But before I get into all the information, if you are liking real estate videos like this, do me a favor, please hit like please hit subscribe. So obviously it helps me, it helps the channel as we're continuing to grow it.

And then if you guys have any real estate questions, of course I'd love to hear from you. So you can feel free to reach at any time. You can call, you can text, you can email me. We have new videos that we put out each and every week so you can stay on top of those. But I'd love to answer any questions that you may have. Or of course if you and your family have any specific questions with your real estate search, of course I'd love to help you out there as well. So you can see my information down below, or at the end of the video you can feel free, you can call, you can text, you can email me. But let's go ahead and talk a little bit about schools here. Alright, so if you're not super familiar with the city of Temecula, there's really two reasons, two big reasons why people decide to make a move here.

One is going to be affordability and the second one is going to be the school district. So the average price point for a home right now in the city of Temecula is right about $850,000. You can find something more in the starter home area, right around 600, 650,000, but average home's right around right around eight 50. But compared to other parts of Southern California, really it's a really good value for what you can get compared to San Diego, la Orange County. So affordability is a big reason that people come up here. And the second reason is really all about the schools. So the Temecula Valley Unified School District is really, really high rated across the board and especially compared to other affordable areas in southern California, it's really, really hard to beat. So we'll kind of go over top schools, talk a little bit about locations and give you some what I think is some good info.

So I pulled up some stats. So in the state of California, there's now just over 1000 different school districts here in the state. Temecula Valley Unified School District is ranked number 60 out of a thousand. So definitely it's in the top 6% of school districts across the state, which is super, super highly rated. In addition to that, there's three different high schools, and I'm pulling all the stats from some of these online sites like and then best so you guys can do some research yourself and pull up some other information. But all three high schools are ranked really highly, so they're all at least a nine out of 10. So there's two nines out of 10, 1 10 out of 10. And one of the questions that I do get from people all the time is, Hey, we're going to come here, the area, we don't know it too well.

I want to make sure that we get into a good school and make sure I don't want to get a bad school inside Temecula. And really the truth is there's really not a bad school. So again, the district is rated so high across the board, pretty much all the schools are going to be really good, especially compared to most other areas in the state. There are a few that are rated higher than others for sure. So when you do some research, you can see they're going to ranked, they're going to rank 'em out of 10, so four out of 10, five out of 10, six out of 10, eight out of 10, nine out of 10, 10 out of 10, right? Obviously the higher the number, the better the school is, the higher the ratings, et cetera. But in general, pretty much all the schools here in Temecula are going to be really good.

And there's just a few at the top. They're going to be better than others. So I'm going to go over the top five schools here in the district and then we'll talk a little bit about some of the private schools as well. So number one, without a doubt, the highest rated school inside the Temecula Valley School District is going to be the high school that's going to be Great Oak High School that is located in South Temecula. Can I pull up some of the stats on it? But, so there's over 10,000 different schools of all ages inside the state of California. And out of 10,000, great Oak is ranked number 79. So it's a top 80 school in the entire state. It's ranked, they're ranked super highly. It is a 10 out of 10 on the different rating systems that are out there. And truthfully, I have a lot of people that have helped.

They move up here to the area just for four years for their kids to go to that school. Once they graduate, they move out of the area. So it's a big draw for people and that is definitely a big thing. So Great Oak High School is going to be number one. It's located in South Temecula, which also tends to be the most expensive part of the city, of course, but it is a great area to live in if you're a commuter as well. So that's number one, school. Number two, it is going to be the Erle Stanley Gardner Middle School. So that one is ranked, that is, depending on what site you're looking at, it's either rated an A or eight out of 10. So there's a little bit of a difference depending on which site, but overall, it looked like that one was ranked number two.

So obviously that's a middle school, which there is the only middle school on lists. Middle schools are kind of notorious for being not as friendly of places and not as nice of the school as opposed to elementary and high school. So for a middle school to be rated so highly, it's a really good school. They do a really good job and it's rated really well and they have really good test scores. So that's number two. School number three is Redhawk Elementary. So that is actually considered a top 300 school inside the state. So again, there's over 10,000 schools and this is rated in the top 300 in the state. That’s given a nine out of 10 an A rating. And this was actually a school just a couple years ago. Last time I did a video like this, it was actually not on the list.

So they've improved quite a bit. And so now they're now at the top 300 schools in the state. A school number four is Alamos Elementary. So that's actually where my kids go to school personally, we've had a really, really great experience there. The principal is awesome. We really can't complain anything about it. But that is considered a top three 50 school, top 350 school in the state. It's given an A rating and it was also ranked an eight out of 10 on one of the other sites that were out there. But personally, we've had a really great experience. I can't really complain about anything, especially from the school administrator wise and just how everything is run. So school number five is the Temecula Prep. So it's actually a charter school that is another top 350 school, and this is the only one, it's actually, it's a K through 12.

So they do all grades, location-wise, it's actually located out in Winchester. And because it's a charter school, you have to apply to be able to get in and be selected from a lottery to be accepted in there. That's another one. Again, it's a top three 50 school. It's given an A rating, it's considered an eight out of 10. And because it is a smaller school as a charter, the classes are going to be smaller. The people that I know where their kids go there, they're all super, super happy there, really can't complain about anything, and they're all super happy that they're able to get in and be a part of the school there. So the public schools, obviously it's free public schools, that's a huge draw for anyone that lives here. In addition to that, some people do prefer to pay to go to a private school, so obviously you're going to pay a premium to do that.

They're not cheap to do, but if that is something you're interested in, there are a few really good options here Inside Temecula, they're all within city limits, actually. One of 'em is ranked really, really high too. There's three private schools. There's St Jean's Catholic School that's actually rated ranked as a top 100 school in the state, so it's number 96 in the state of California. There's also Linfield Christian School, which does both of those do in K through 12. So all grades. And the third one is going to be Rancho Christian that they also do K through 12. And I think that they actually have, the most amount of students are going to be at Rancho Christian, so it's the largest of the private schools in the area. So all of I know people and clients and friends that go to all three of 'em, they've all pretty much across the board have had good experiences really like being able to go there.

Obviously they're private schools, they help tend to be either Christian or Catholic, so tend to be a little bit more religious influence there. So depending on what you're looking for. But the schools are really good, and if you don't want to do private schools, the public schools are really great. That's where my kids go. I think it's a great system. The district across the board is ranked really, really high. And again, the biggest thing I do want to point out is it is really not a bad school inside the city of Temecula. So across the board, it's a really great school district. I wouldn't worry too much about going to a bad school or anything like that. It's a good district. They do a really good job, and all the schools are ranked really, really highly. So hopefully that's good information for you guys. If you have any questions or you have any specific information you want in a certain school, you can feel free to reach out and call. You can text, you can email me, you can see my information down below at the end of the video, and hopefully talk to you soon. Thanks.