Alright, so this video is all about where you should live here in the city of Temecula, California. I'm going to talk to you about what part of town is going to be the best with your commuter if you work from home, what are some of the different highlights? What are some of the best neighborhoods and what areas you really want to focus on if you're making a move here to Temecula. So let's go ahead and get into it.

Hey guys. Hey again, my name is Justin Short. I am a realtor and team leader for the short real estate team here at Keller Williams in Temecula, California and Murrieta of California. And this video is all about where you should live here in the city of Temecula. So like I mentioned, we're going to talk about what part of town is going to be most desirable, what neighborhoods are best, give you some of the highlights of the different areas, et cetera. But before I get into all that, if you are liking real estate videos like this, do me a favor please. Like please sit, subscribe. So we have new videos that we put out each and every week. We have new home neighborhood tours, we have market update videos each month, we have recommendations on best areas and worst areas, et cetera, schools, all types of different stuff.

And we have new ones that come out each and every week. So please hit subscribe if you want to stay on top of those. And then if you guys have any real estate questions, of course we'd love to hear from you. So you can feel free to reach out anytime. You can call, you can text, you can email me, of course, would love to answer any questions you may have about the area or of course if myself and my team can help you at all with your real estate search, would love to help you there as well. Feel free and you can reach out. My contact information is either down below or at the end of the video. But let's go ahead and we'll get into the video here. So I know I've mentioned it before, but I've lived here in the valley a long time, so over 25 years.

And I try to give you guys some perspective on what it's like from someone that actually lives here in the area. I've lived in Temecula, Murrieta, Winchester, went to high school out here, my kids now go to school here. So we've lived here a long time. They can give you some really good perspectives. I'm going to switch it over to the map view here and I think it's going to help highlight some of those different areas. So let's go ahead and do that. Alright, so we got the map all pulled up for you guys here. So this is real easy, it's real simple. This is just a Google map view of the city of Temecula here, right off of Google Maps. Took a screenshot and then we'll draw on this a little bit, talk about some of the different areas and the best areas, et cetera, and where you want to live depending where you're driving to and whatnot.

The first thing that I'll say is, again, I've lived here in Temecula a long time. In general, this city, it's really, really a nice city. It's, a super clean suburb. It's pretty squeaky clean throughout. There's good schools, et cetera. There's really not a bad part of town to live in. It really is a nice city throughout that. Usually that's the first question that people ask when they're moving here is, Hey, what areas do I want to avoid? And truthfully, that doesn't really exist in Temecula. It's a pretty clean area throughout, and there's not really a bad side of town by any means. There are definitely nicer neighborhoods, for sure, nicer areas, a little bit more premium spots and for some of the reasons that we'll go over. But just know in general, if you're making a move to the city of Temecula, you're going to move to a really nice place.

So the house may be a little older, one neighborhood compared to another or less or more updated or whatnot. But in general, the city is really, really nice. So that's kind of a good general, good general rule throughout the city, but without a doubt, the most expensive part of Temecula and really the most desirable part of Temecula is going to be South Temecula. So the easiest way that I explain the areas to people is, so you have the 15 freeway that's going to run pretty, there's my mouse. So this 15 freeway is like this gray strip right down the middle. So it's a 15 freeway, so it goes relatively pretty north and south, right through the middle of town. And then off of there, you're going to have three major off ramps here. I keep losing my mouse. So you have this southern off ramp.

That gray road here is Temecula Parkway, so that's the most southern off ramp in the city off the freeway. And then right here in the middle you have Rancho California Road. So Rancho California Road runs east and west. This is right here in the middle of town. And then at the north end you have Winchester Road. So you'll also see this 79 right there. So Winchester Road is the most north exit. I'm going to switch the color here, that's green. I'm going to try red, see if it shows up a little bit better. Yeah, I think it's going to look a little bit better. But really when you are looking at the freeway and you get off on Temecula Parkway, that's that most Southern exit off the freeway. Anything south of that is going to be considered South Temecula. So South Temecula is basically south of this is Temecula Parkway.

And those are my beautiful drawings here on Microsoft Paint. So that's where South Temecula is. And what makes it so desirable is a few things. So number one, a lot of people that live here in Temecula do not work here in the city. So there's not really a ton of big businesses. So there's not like these big massive employers. There is a ton of medical, there's a ton of school jobs, there are a ton of firefighters. So teachers and school district, anything like that, there's a ton of, there's retail for sure, but there's just not a ton of these big massive tech employees or something like that. So because of that, a lot of people live here and they make the commute. Most people when they commute, they commute south. So it is much easier for your commute be able to get on and off the freeway here at Temecula Parkway and Head South or when you're coming back at night to be able to go north and exit here quickly off of the 15 freeway right there on Temecula Parkway. So that is the number one reason it is creates such a shorter commute if you live in South Temecula as opposed to say over on the north side of town, because we're in southern California, there's a lot of traffic on the freeway and this 15 freeway at rush hour is super, super jammed up.

It's a crawl. So even though it doesn't seem that far, I think it's probably just a few miles, probably three miles or so difference between Temecula Parkway and Winchester on a map. But on a commute at rush hour, that can easily take you 25 minutes or so to go from one part of the freeway to the other. And then once you get off the freeway, you're going to exit. And that's all jammed up to Winchester's jammed too. So if you're commuting, living in South Temecula, it's going to really, really be a much better quality of life for you. So that's number one that makes South Temecula so popular. And then number two, the best school in the area really in the valley. So the Temecula and Murrieta Valley is located here in South Temecula, so that is Grade Oak High School. So it is a super highly rated high school.

I'll show you where that is. It's kind of down here right about there where Grade Oak High School is. So anyone that lives in South Temecula, so south of this Temecula Parkway area is going to be zoned to go to that school. So that's another big thing and another reason that makes that area so desirable, right? In general, the Temecula school district is really, really nice. It's really highly rated. There's a lot of really great schools. Most schools are going to be anywhere from eight or nine out of 10, but without a doubt the top school in the valley is going to be that Great Oak High School. That's where people want to be. So that's what makes it so desirable. And then in general, when you're looking in South Temecula, there's really three general areas. So there's three main roads here that kind of run throughout.

Let's see, so over in this area, this is kind of general, but this is the Morgan Hill area, which is kind of more on the east side of South Temecula. And then in the middle here you have this Redhawk area, it's your Redhawk and Bale ranch, and there's a few other neighborhoods that are mixed in there as well that are nice. It's kind of in the middle of the Redhawk area. And then over on the west side of this whole area is more like the Wolf Creek area. So there's some generalities, there's probably another dozen neighborhoods in there that I'm not mentioning. But in general, that's a pretty good lay of the land. So when I'm meeting with people, and hopefully I don't draw these ugly meetings, but there's three general sections in South Temecula. So you have that Morgan Hill area, you have that Red Hawk area, and then you have that Wolf Creek area that's kind of your general lay of the land there.

So all the areas are really, really nice. Morgan Hill is probably the most desirable, so it's the most expensive, it's the newest. And then also just the Hills, as the name implies it's Morgan Hill, it's built up on a hill, so it's kind of a terrace. So it's really nice views. Definitely an upper end neighborhood. It's usually the top neighborhood on my best neighborhoods list and all that type of stuff. In the middle of that Redhawk area, Redhawk Vail Ranch area, it's going to be a little bit older. It's kind of built in the mid nineties to mid two thousands. The taxes are really low there, which is a big thing. A lot of the area has no HOA if it's more of the Vail Ranch area or it's a very low HOA only 40 bucks a month. Really, really nice area. And then that Wolf Creek area, it is really convenient again, if you're a commuter, it's really easy to jump up on the freeway.

And then in addition, it is the closest to the casino. So the Changa Casino is right there in South Temecula, which most people don't go to the casino every day. But it is nice because one, there's a really, really nice hotel there. So people come and stay. A lot of people stay at the casino when they come to visit. There's obviously some really nice restaurants that are part of the casino and there's a lot of entertainment too. So there's concerts and comedy shows and all types of stuff that are going on. So it just makes it really convenient to be able to easily access something that's fun to do. So that's kind of the general lay of the land in South Temecula. And that is without a doubt, the most desirable part of town. There are some other top neighborhoods in the area. So we talked about how Morgan Hill is up that way.

Another one is going to be a new build community, which is actually where I live, which is up here in this area. So that's the Summers Bend community. That's a really nice area. It's newer, there's new construction that's still going on today. Most of its built anywhere from 2020 until now. 2024 I was getting close to the end of build out, et cetera. But there's still new construction that's wrapping up now and it's nice and it's new and it's shiny and you have those open concept layout that everyone's likes because they're brand new. But that's a really nice neighborhood and that's a place that people like to really target. You also have the Harvesting Lake community, so that's actually more on the north end of town. So it's more off of this 15 freeway or off the 15 freeway of Winchester Road right off the 15 freeway. And it's kind of right here up at the top and you see this kind of blue mark on the map that is the lake. So there's a manmade lake there that's in the middle. It's super, super pretty.

It is a really nice area. People walk in there all the time, people exercising, going around the lake, there's a park, they'll go in there to take their high school prom photos. It's just a real pretty setting and it gives you a really good mix of different homes in that area as well. So you're going to see from condos to townhomes to small single family homes to big massive single family homes to more kind of cottages that are right on the lake that have awesome views. You kind of get a mix of everything there. So a lot of people harvesting as well because a little more character in the house as well. It's not necessarily a stucco box. Some neighborhoods can be in town. So Haron is a really nice area. And then you also have the Del Souls. So you have two neighborhoods.

So it is Paloma Del Soul, and then you have EO Del Soul, which are both right in here. They kind of butt up next to each other. Those are two different HOAs, but it's a really nice central location. You're right here off of Temecula Parkway. You're just on the north side, so it is zoned for a different high school, but there's a ton of shopping and whatnot right here. And it gives you really good access to everything else that the city has to offer. And the taxes are on the lower side for the most part. So that makes it nice. And the HOAs are really, really good value. There's pools and spas and parks and walking trails and all types of good stuff in there. And then the other top neighborhood that I want to mention is actually right next to that. It's on the other side of the main street, which is going to be Crown Hill.

So Crown Hill is right here, kind of more on the east side of town. So Crown Hill is right around here, it is a pretty large area. Again, you have some nice terrorist views. It's on a hill as the name implies, so you get some nice views. There's an elementary school that's right in the middle of the community, which is really nice. It's a desirable school and just a nice community overall. It's an area that people always like checking out for sure. So those are really some of the top neighborhoods that people want to check out and want to be on their list. But really when you're picking an area, you really want to think about, hey, if we're going to commute, what is our proximity to the freeway? If we're going south, how close are we to being able to commute south and where that is.

And then just kind of general lay of the land. A lot of people like to know where the mall is. So the mall is more on the north end of town, so there's the Promenade Mall, so there's a lot of restaurants and stuff on the outskirts of the mall. So that's a good thing to know as far as placement. And so if you live here and you can easily walk down or e-bike down to the mall to go to a restaurant or date night or whatnot, that makes it really desirable. And then wine country. So wine country is going to be out. Here's 15 freeway. This is Ranch of California Road, right, coming out this way. So you're going to go east and wine out this way? Oh, that is, we'll do that one again. But it's this big massive area. It's going to be a wine country.

So there's over 50 wineries now out here in Temecula. It is a huge tourist destination. People come in for weddings and bachelorette parties and wine tastings and all types of stuff. So being able to access that is really nice. And there's a lot of nice restaurants and a lot of things you can do on the weekend out there. So I don't even like wine, but we end up going out there for going out in a couple of weeks for a comedy show or concerts or even brunch or a nice date night restaurant or whatnot. So there are definitely just destinations out there, which is going to be nice. We talked a little bit about the casino, so down in South Temecula, Pega Casino can be down more that way. And then the other place that people like to know location of is going to be the Old town area.

So Old Town Temecula gets right here off of the freeway. This is Rancho California Road and it's right here, butted right up against the freeway. So that's an old town area. So Old Town has, it's changed a lot in the last 25 years, but it's kind like our downtown area. There is a bunch of, there's bars and nice restaurants. There's from gastro pubs to Mexican places to fancy places, to just a little bit of everything down there. So definitely more of the nightlife and whatnot, but also there's some really nice quality restaurants as well. So thinking about, I guess to sum everything up, when you're thinking about where you want to live here in Temecula and what area is going to be best, there are definitely some premium neighborhoods. So those are the ones that we talked about. There are many other nice places, but there's definitely some premium neighborhoods and it's really location based.

So across the board, the city is going to be really, really nice. It is a nice place to live, it's a nice clean suburb, it's newer, et cetera. But if you're going to be a commuter, you're going to want to stick more south, or at least if you can afford it in your price point, at least really consider that. If not, you want to think about where you are in relation to some of those other big attractions, whether it's the casino, whether it is going to be wine country, whether it's the old town area, whether it's the mall, whatever, those different things you and your family are going to be interested in. So hopefully that gives you guys a really good lay of the land. If you guys have any questions, you can feel free to reach out, you can call, you can text, you can email, and hopefully talk to you soon. Thanks.